Central Rivers AEA is proud to offer personalized options for professional learning. We know there are more ways to learn than attending face-to-face classes. Micro-credentials are one way to allow the learner to customize what, how, and when they learn. The pace is flexible and the focus is on job-embedded learning, not the amount of time it takes to complete an assignment. Learn more about the vision for Professional Learning at Central Rivers AEA by reviewing our interactive learning continuum.
Micro-credentials are only available to educators and staff serving schools within Central Rivers AEA so that we can ensure timely feedback.
What is a micro-credential?
Micro-credentials have flexibility built into their design. There is no set start or end time. There are a variety of resources to support the learner that can be used including articles, videos, pre-recorded presentations, and digital tools. Each micro-credential requires a demonstration of competence or evidence of learning. The learner uses coaching and reflection to grow their own skill. Feedback is given for all evidence submitted and once it meets the criteria of quality, the learner is recognized for their accomplishment and skill by being awarded a badge or credential. Micro-credentials are designed for mastering specific skills. You can choose to learn on your own, or engage in a micro-credential with a PLC. Learn more about micro-credentials by engaging in this on demand content.
The process for earning a micro-credential

Step 1 – Choice: Search our micro-credential library at lms.centralriversaea.org to select a skill you want to build (or celebrate!), and download or view the micro-credential on the page. If you choose to print the micro-credential, you may also want to view it digitally in order to access the clickable links in the research and resource sections. Once you sign up, you will be contacted by a coach who can answer questions and help get you started.
Step 2 – Learn: Read the micro-credential carefully to familiarize yourself with the resources, activities, submission guidelines, and evaluation criteria. Use these tools to help fill in any gaps in learning and application. You can also use your own resources.
Step 3 – Apply: You will be required to collect evidence from real experiences in your classroom or worksite that demonstrate the competence outlined in the micro-credential. Each micro-credential requires specific evidence to demonstrate mastery. For example, you may need to write a lesson plan, videotape a meeting, or collect data to analyze.
Steps 4 and 5 – Reflect, Share, Get Feedback: You may submit your artifacts by using the “submit your evidence” button. Coaches review your submissions and compare them to the submission and assessment criteria. Your coach will inform you of your progress towards achievement of mastery and a badge.
Step 6 – Reaching Mastery: If you don’t pass the first time, you can address the feedback you receive from your coach and resubmit as often as you need to. (Repeating steps 2 – 4) You may submit your artifacts as many times as it takes for you to achieve mastery of the skill or competency.

After you have successfully earned the micro-credential, you will be issued a badge. You can share your badge with others to show your achievement. Your badge and evidence will be saved under “my achievements” in your account, where you will have continuous access.
Still have questions? Email us at professionallearning@centralriversaea.org or connect with us on our chat line on our Central Rivers AEA homepage.