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15 Minutes

Impact of Disengagement on Student Learning IPI

Disengagement is damaging to kids and lost learning time. What does student cognitive disengagement look like in the classroom and how does it affect their learning?

Just 15 minutes of disengagement per day equals a loss of nine days a year and 118-120 days in the course of a child’s K-12 experience. In this learning, Jerry Valentine discusses the ways to reduce disengagement and the most impactful things teachers can do to increase engaged learning time.
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Levels of Engagement with Technology IPI

How do students learn and stay engaged when you infuse technology into the classroom?

In Levels of Engagement with Technology, Jerry Valentine provides evidence to answer questions about the impact of technology in the learning process, including usage frequency, manner of use, and impact on student thinking and learning.
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Inquiry and Engagement in a 3rd Grade Classroom

Inquiry in action! 3rd Grade students demonstrating the power of inquiry to increase student agency and engagement.

Join us in observing a 3rd grade classroom at Union Community School District in Union, IA as a teacher engages her students in the power of inquiry!
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Structured Teaching: Visual Schedules

Do you have students on the Autism Spectrum or that have other developmental learning challenges? Creating a visual schedule is a strategy to help your students transition from place to place throughout the day and reduce the anxiety of what’s coming.

Visual schedules empower individuals to navigate their daily activities independently. By catering to the visual learning preferences common in autism, these schedules provide predictability, reduce anxiety associated with transitions, and accommodate for receptive language difficulties. Additionally, visual schedules can serve as proactive tools for behavioral support, helping prevent challenges related to uncertainty or frustration.
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Newcomers: How Can I Communicate with Students and Families?

Do you have students arriving from another country or that are new to English? Do you want to be prepared for how you can communicate? This video will provide you beginning considerations and present different technology tools that can be utilized to ensure communication and successful interactions!

During this session you will have an opportunity to begin learning about translation tool options and how educators can utilize it to enhance communication with students and families.
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Structured Teaching: Work Systems

Do you have students on the Autism Spectrum or who have other developmental learning challenges? Would you like a strategy to help your students engage in multiple tasks during instruction and independent work?

Work systems help to visually structure the presentation of work to support a student on the autism spectrum and other unique learners. An effective work system provides the learner with four pieces of information so that the student can function independently. The work system will organize materials in a way that answers these questions: What work? How much work? When am I finished? What do I do or get when I’m finished?
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Using the S.E.T.T. Framework to Consider Assistive Technology Needs

What should a team consider when selecting assistive technology for a student?

During this learning, you will be introduced to an adapted version of Joy Zabala’s S.E.T.T. Framework and how to use the framework in making decisions about appropriate assistive technology that will meet individual student needs.
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An Overview of Dyslexia

Have you ever wondered what exactly “dyslexia” is? What are the common characteristics of dyslexia?

In this brief module, you’ll learn the definition of dyslexia, some characteristics of dyslexia, and how to approach the subject of dyslexia with families.
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New Teacher Orientation: Well-Being

Deepen your learning of the well-being resources (for both teachers and students) that the AEA has to offer as a new educator in our service area.

Gain an understanding of Well-Being and Self-Care as well as the resources that Central Rivers AEA has to offer on these topics. Viewers will be able to build a self-care board and will know how teacher and student well-being is supported at CRAEA.
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